Sunday, February 28, 2010

Going Strong

Nora was hit by the travel blues more than one week ago, but has managed to recover in the mountains of Sri Lanka. In a tiny village, she found wireless Internet in a cafe playing Beatles music and is updating her blog while you read. You can look forward to many stories and colorful pictures.


Isabel said...

Hey Nora, where are you? I thought you would be already in India by now... Take care of yourself! Love, Isa

Isabel said...

Hey Norita, everything okay? Keep me posted! I will be in TRV from the 21st to the 25th of March, just in case you are around... Love, Isa

Annette + Andreas said...

Hallo Nora, wir sind mittlerweile wieder im guten alten Goa angelangt. Wir haben versucht unsere vorzeitige Einreise nach Indien in Chennai registrieren zu lassen. Aber das dauert dort 8 Tage. Und 8 Tage Chennai ist einfach zu viel. So werden wir uns in Goa registrieren und dann geht es weiter in Richtung Norden. Gruesse von Andreas und Anntte.