Thursday, January 28, 2010


My travel books arrived! Preparing for the trip.

Quick snapshot in Sinhala*:
  1. eka
  2. deka
  3. thuna
  4. hathara
  5. paha
  6. haya
  7. hatha
  8. atta
  9. navaya
  10. dahaya
(Now picture me walking around the house: "eka, deka, thuna,..." engaging my whole family. "Now everyone: eka, deka, thuna,...")

yes - owu
no - naha
toilets - vasikili
men - purusha
women - isthree
How much is it? - ehekka keeyada
Go away! - methanin yanna!

* From experience I probably won't get to use any. Most conversations are in English. But it's always nice to pull out some local language...even just to earn some smiles.

1 comment:

Isabel said...

A little wiggle of the head and you will be just fine, my dear. Have a wonderful trip and hang on that hammock as much as you can!!!